MBA7004 – Research Methods – Research Methods Assignment Help

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This module provides a comprehensive introduction to research as practised in business and management disciplines. It provides an overview of the key quantitative and qualitative methodologies that are needed to undertake, evaluate and present a small-scale research project.

Following an introduction to research, the module will move on to explore the major paradigms and debates in business research. It will help students to build appropriate strategies for reviewing literature and developing a coherent set of aims and objectives for a research study.

The module will cover major research methods (observation, surveys, case studies, interviews and action research), the implications of using them as well as the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data and presentation of findings. It identifies how to develop research questions/ hypotheses and how to produce robust and realistic research, considering issues of data validation, triangulation and reliability. Following satisfactory completion of this module, students will progress to the dissertation.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module, students should be able to:

• Interpret existing research as a prelude to carrying out further investigation, demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of a range of research designs and their appropriate utilisation;

• Source, evaluate and appropriately reference information from a range of sources;

• Integrate the findings of existing research to ask a new research question;

• Engage in critical thinking when reading and comprehending research articles;

• Critically evaluate a range of quantitative and qualitative research paradigms;

• Conceptualise a problem; formulate hypotheses and objectives; design a research strategy, collecting, analysing, and interpreting quantitative and qualitative data as appropriate;

• Apply theoretical principles underlying descriptive and inferential statistics;

• Select and justify the most appropriate analyses, interpret the results, and write up the results accurately and completely;

• Develop a robust research proposal appropriate for an MBA dissertation.

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  • Uploaded By : Brett

  • Posted on : December 17th, 2019

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Reference no: EM132069492

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