I need to your help to write a Executive Summary to 1.5 pages( 650 words); add or rewrite the introduction(to 600) and conclusion (to 350 words); check and rewrite the methodology(350 words). They must follow the example that I post like the main content under the paragraphs (like in Summary first paragraph is about purpose, second is about the Research analyzing, third…). It is very important to follow the format of each part from the example. Also, make paragraphs 100-200 words as one paragraph, not too long.
In addition, please check and rearrange the ‘Findings and Observations ‘following the format and its subtitle (4 subtitles in total, each about 600 words) , and content. If the content needs to rewrite, please let me know and I will add paying for extra pages. There are paragraphs under findings is about Principle of autonomous vehicles and History of the Autonomous car, you may use them into other parts in this essay or delet.
Final report is the one that needs to be write