Discuss the significance and implications of the ideas/arguments presented in the extract.

Produce a close analysis of an extract chosen from a selection of theoretical texts studied on the unit (below). Your analysis must:

1. Demonstrate your understanding of the ideas and concepts developed in the extract and the broader critical context in which they are located.
2. Discuss the significance and implications of the ideas/arguments presented in the extract
3. Where appropriate identify the potential limitations or problems with the ideas/arguments presented in the extract

extracts are:
Extract One: from Michel Foucaults Lecture, delivered 17 March 1976 in Society Must Be Defended, pages 242-244

Extract two: from Giorgio Agamben, Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life, Politicizing Death PART THREE: THE CAMP AS BIOPOLITICAL PARADIGM OF THE MODERN, pp 92-94

Extract three: from Peter Singer, Rethinking Life and Death, Fifth New Commandment, Do Not Discriminate on the basis of species, pp 202-205

Extract four: from Zygmunt Bauman, From Pilgrim to Tourist or a Short History of Identity pp 23-25

Extract five: from Subhabrata Bobby Banerjee Necrocapitalism, pp1547-1549
Accumulation by Death and Dispossession

Extract six: From James Bridles New Dark Age : Technology and the End of the Future, Chapter 8, Conspiracy.


  • Discuss the significance and implications of the ideas/arguments presented in the extract.
  • Write about the meaning and function of music in James Baldwin story Sonnys blues.
  • In the story Sonnys blues by James Baldwin write about the meaning and function of music in this story what does it represent.
  • Write an admission essay for an Executive Police and Homeland Security Program.
  • Explain your plan for using this feedback to improve your effectiveness and skill as a nurse educator.
  • What are some trends about which company leaders should be aware?
  • Write a Research on IT Organization Strategic Planning with Uber.
  • Is online education a source of globalization?
  • Discuss The Role of Third World Feminism in African Gender Politics.
  • What is the role third world feminism in African gender politics?
Reference no: EM132069492

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