The Principles of Catholic Social Thought in Your Own Life Sociology Assignment Help

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Assignment Task


Write a personal reflection (in essay form) explaining the meaning and value of some of the principles of Catholic Social Thought in your own life (and/or experience).

1. Choose and state two or three principles of Catholic Social Thought which are covered in the unit content, other than the principle of the common good and the principle of the dignity of the human person; define and explain what you understand each one to mean.2. Explain how the chosen principles are relevant and valuable in relation to the skills and knowledge that you are acquiring in the degree program that you are studying.

3. Identify one specific community that you belong to and explain, with examples, how the chosen principles may be relevant and valuable in relation to the aims or objectives of this community4. Explain how the principles of the dignity of the human person and the common good are relevant and valuable in relation to the degree program that you are studying

Readings for this assessment:

The nine principles are: the Dignity of the Human Person; the Common Good; the Preferential Option for the Poor; Subsidiarity; the Universal Purpose of Goods; the Stewardship of Creation; the Promotion of Peace; Participation; Global Solidarity.

From this assessment you will receive constructive feedback to assist you in completing assessment 3.

Write a reflection explaining principles of Catholic Social Thought (CST), and how “self” and “community” are interrelated.

Learning outcomes assessed:

  • Describe coherently in writing the principles of Catholic Social Thought (CST), and drawing on
  • these produce a personal commentary that explains how the concepts of ‘self’ and ‘community’ are interrelated.
  • Analyse and evaluate the principles of Catholic Social Thought (CST) in order to show how issues relating to the dignity of the human person and the common good may be relevant to the skills and knowledge that they are acquiring in the degree program that they are studying.
  • States 2-3 Catholic Social Thought Principles (other than the principles of the common good and human dignity)
  • (4 marks) States 2-3 Catholic Social Thought Principles accurately. Fails to state 2-3 Catholic Social Thought Principles
  • Explains 2-3 Catholic Social Thought Principles (other than the principles of the common good and human dignity)
  • (7 marks) Exemplary, coherent, clear and accurate explanation of 2-3 Catholic Social Thought Principles.
  • Shows deep engagement with the unit materials. Explains 2-3 Catholic Social Thought Principles very coherently, clearly and accurately.
  • Shows evidence of deep engagement with the unit materials Explains 2-3 Catholic Social Thought Principles coherently, clearly and accurately.
  • Shows evidence of engagement with the unit materials Explains 2-3 Catholic Social Thought Principles coherently, and in a largely clearand accurate way Fails to explain clearly, coherently and accurately 2-3 Catholic Social Thought Principles (descriptions of the principles are generally very vague, or inaccurate).
  • Explains how the principles chosen are relevant and valuable in relation to the skills and knowledge that the student is acquiring in the degree program that they are studying and in relation to one specific community.


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  • Uploaded By : Roman

  • Posted on : December 22nd, 2019

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Reference no: EM132069492

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