The Main Points of Health and Safety Policies and Procedures Nursing Assignment Help

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1. Explain the main points of health and safety policies and procedures agreed with the employer Most employers have a health and safety policy which sets out how they will protect everyone who is affected by their business, including employees, visitors, contractors and individuals who access services. Even if your role involves working in the private homes of individuals you need to know what health and safety legislation applies there. Ask your manager about policies that are in place to support your health, safety and wellbeing in all the places in which you work. What all policies and procedures have in common is to tell everyone how to do something or what must be in place to make sure all people are safe.

Examples of procedures can include:

  •  how to store and give out medication –
  •  how to provide personal care –
  •  how to lift and carry loads –
  •  what to do in the event of fire –
  •  what to do to provide first aid –
  •  how to handle soiled bed linen. –

Policies must give clear instructions so that everyone is kept safe and no one is harmed through the work that is being carried out. You must familiarise yourself with your own workplace health and safety policy and procedures. Learners – Find out which health and safety policies have been written by your employer and write a sentence to describe each one.

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  • Uploaded By : Roman

  • Posted on : December 22nd, 2019

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Reference no: EM132069492

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