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Assignment Task


1 Explain how and why person-centred values must influence all aspects of health and adult care work Person-centred values are principles that all health and care workers should encompass in all aspects of their work. These values are:

Respect – all individuals receiving care should be treated with respect and their views, opinions and choices should also be respected

Dignity – all individuals receiving care should be treated with dignity and

Independence – all individuals receiving care should be empowered to do as much as they can for themselves

Privacy – all individuals receiving care should have their privacy respected including their personal space, their right to be alone if they wish and their confidential information

Partnership – all individuals receiving care should be empowered to work in partnership with care providers and other professionals and be able to make their own decisions about their care

Individuality – all individuals receiving care should be able to maintain their individuality, which includes what they wear, who they socialise with, the activities that they participate in and have their own views and opinions

Choice – all individuals receiving care should be able to make their own choices (unless there are mitigating circumstances, such as limited mental capacity)

Rights – an individual should be empowered to stand up for their rights and, where they are unable to, care staff should uphold them By working with these values, care workers can understand what is right and wrong in their day-to-day role. This is both best practice and embedded in legislation. Individuals receiving care in a way that encompasses person-centred values will feel valued themselves and have better self-esteem and self-confidence. Although they may be dependent on others in some areas of their lives, they will be empowered to be independent as much as possible. They will also be an active partner in their care planning and be able to make their own choices. All this leads to increased physical and mental wellbeing.

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  • Uploaded By : Roman

  • Posted on : December 22nd, 2019

  • Downloads : 1

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Reference no: EM132069492

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