Identify and explain specific HRM risks that the hospital faces with respect to (a) recruitment and hiring, (b) terms and conditions of employment, (c) compensation and benefits, (d) employee performance and evaluation, and (e) employee discipline and termination.

you will need to write a essay in which you analyze Human Resource Management (HRM) issues and make recommendations for the employee handbook of a hospital. First, you should perform research on the Internet and select an actual hospital that has its employee handbook published online. Once you’ve selected the hospital, assume that you work for the organization you’ve selected, and that you’ve been given the task of researching ways to improve the employee handbook and reduce HRM risks.

Once you’ve selected the hospital and its employee handbook to use for this project, you will need to do the following:

Identify and explain specific HRM risks that the hospital faces with respect to (a) recruitment and hiring, (b) terms and conditions of employment, (c) compensation and benefits, (d) employee performance and evaluation, and (e) employee discipline and termination.
Identify areas in the employee handbook that can be revised or supplemented to mitigate these HRM risks.
Propose language for five specific revisions to be made to the employee handbook.
When writing your essay be sure to include:

An introduction that identifies the hospital that you’ve chosen, describes the community that it serves, and provides an overview of its employees.
Why HRM risks and the recommendations you are making are important.
Differentiation between peer reviewed research and any other sources of information utilized.
Analysis of specific risks within each of the five topic areas.
A reference page in APA format and APA formatted citations throughout the essay.


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Reference no: EM132069492

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