Explain why its important for the public to be aware of body dysmorphic disorder.


Enlosed is a copy of the instructions and the rough draft. This is a final draf. The teacher said I still need to work on supporting details. Once you make a claim or thesis-you must support it, what are the reasons to support it.

M7. Assignment: Final Draft Essay 3
You must support your claim/thesis. Its argumentative:

Explain why its important for the public to be aware of body dysmorphic disorder. Why it’s important to diagnose. why the gender of females suffer more from body dysmorphic disorder
Why teens suffer more.

Final Draft Parameters, for this assignment, you will be revising and polishing the final draft of your research paper.

Must make revisions to the rough draft.
Must use MLA Format
Contain a minimum of 6 in-text citations (this includes cited paraphrasing)
A minimum of 5 sources used must be peer-reviewed
Contain an introduction paragraph which
o 1) introduces the audience to the topic being addressed,
o 2) identifies clearly the writers claim,
o 3) examines why this information is important to the specified audience,
o 4) announces the organization of the paper.
Offer a thesis statement in the form of an argument.
Include evidence of scholarly research such as peer-reviewed academic articles
Maintain focus on the papers thesis throughout.
Organize the material presented in a consistent, rational manner.
Contain a conclusion that reasserts the writers thesis statement and reiterates the introduction.
Use transitions to achieve unity between ideas and paragraphs.
Use conventions of standard written English (appropriate diction, no omitted words, grammar, punctuation, spelling).
Maintain an academic voice and use scholarly writing
Be proofread and polished
The final draft should be at least 1,500 words (or 6 full pages)
Helpful Reminders for MLA format
Remember to place your last name and page number in the top right corner
Use the appropriate page headings on the left side of the first page to indicate your name, your professor’s name, the course, and the date
Create a unique title for your essay that is centered on the page
Cite sources within the text using the MLA guidelines
Include a Works Cited page at the end of the paper that is not included in the word count for the paper’s requirements
MLA research paper

Rubric what I’m graded on of 100 points
MLA Research Paper (English J.K.)

Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAdherence to MLA Format
This criterion focuses on the papers adherence to guidelines set forth by the Modern Language Association for format. It includes all elements of format such as in-text citations, works cited, font, spacing, margins, header formats, and all other elements covered in the MLA Handbook. 10 pts
A near-flawless example of mastery of this criterion. Paper adheres to MLA formatting at an expert level. Paper contains fewer than 5% errors among the cumulative use of this skill in the construction of this work. 8 pts
The proficient level of skill shows overall mastery with few errors present. Paper contains fewer than 15% errors among the cumulative use of this skill in the construction of this work. 6 pts
The paper submitted shows partial mastery of the application of MLA formatting standards. The paper contains errors in formatting that show burgeoning skill in formatting standards or demonstrate errors in proofreading for this skill. Paper contains fewer than 30% errors among cumulative use of this skill.

The paper pieces of evidence near-complete lack of skill in this criterion or paper author have neglected to address this criterion.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Thesis
The papers thesis describes the main argument the paper will engage in. This is most often summarized by the use of a thesis statement. 15 pts
Paper contains fewer than 5% errors among the cumulative use of this skill in the construction of this work. 12 pts
Paper contains fewer than 15% errors among the cumulative use of this skill in the construction of this work. 9 pts
Paper contains fewer than 30% errors among cumulative use of this skill. 0 pts
The paper pieces of evidence near-complete lack of skill in this criterion or paper author have neglected to address this criterion.
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Sources
The academic quality of a source is a key indicator of that sources reliability. Good sources are peer-reviewed academic sources from reputable publications. 10 pts
Paper contains fewer than 5% errors among the cumulative use of this skill in the construction of this work. 8 pts
Paper contains fewer than 15% errors among the cumulative use of this skill in the construction of this work. 6 pts
Paper contains fewer than 30% errors among cumulative use of this skill.
The paper pieces of evidence


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  • Write a topic that relates to the materials covered during your studies of the Homeland Security world.
  • Explain why its important for the public to be aware of body dysmorphic disorder.
Reference no: EM132069492

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