Consumer Motivation, Ability, and Opportunity

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Assignment Task

Learning Outcomes Achieved:

The Practical Applications assessment tests your achievement of the following learning outcomes:

• Demonstrate a detailed understanding of consumer psychology and the main factors that influence consumer behaviour.

• Use consumer behaviour concepts to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of marketing strategies.

• Understand how this knowledge can be used to help consumers make better and more informed decisions.

Task 1: Consumer motivation, ability, and opportunity.

In 2020, Coca-Cola was ranked the world’s number one plastic polluter by charity group

Break Free from Plastic. As part of a longerterm effort to eliminate plastic from its packaging entirely, Coca-Cola has been working with a Dutch company to develop a sustainable paper bottle. After more than seven years of lab work, the firm is now ready to launch a trial in Hungary of Coca-Cola’s fruit drink Adez, using a novel bottle made from an extra-strong paper shell that still contains a thin plastic liner.

The goal is to eventually create a 100% recyclable, plastic-free bottle. The bottle should also be capable of preventing gas escaping from carbonated drinks, as well as paper fibres flaking off into the liquid. Failure to do so could pose a risk of altering the taste of the drink and could also fall short of health and safety checks. The innovative bottle, however, will come at a cost. At least initially, drinks sold in the paper bottle will be more expensive than those sold in plastic bottles because the company wants to recoup their research and development costs.

1a. Using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, identify two (2) consumer needs that Coca-Cola aims to satisfy with its new packaging. Discuss how giving consumers the option to purchase drinks in non-plastic bottles will help them satisfy each of these two needs.

1b. Coca-Cola will first trial the new paper bottles on a small scale. That is, they will only focus on one particular consumer segment. Your task is to briefly describe what the psychological make up of this target consumer segment should be in terms of their goals and self-concept. Then, using appraisal theory, explain how Coca-Cola can make the customers in this segment feel good about purchasing the new non-plastic bottles. Use examples to illustrate your answer.

1c. Even if the target customers are highly motivated to adopt the new paper bottles, they may be constrained due to insufficient ability or opportunity. Choose one factor related to ability and one factor related to opportunity. Then discuss what Coca-Cola could do to overcome consumers’ potential constraints in these two areas. Use examples to illustrate your answer.

Task 2: Exposure, attention, and perception.

Choose ONE (1) of these ads to analyse. Then, answer the following questions about your chosen ad:

2a. Discuss two (2) ways in which the makers of the product advertised in your selected print ad can maximise consumers’ exposure to that ad. Use examples to illustrate your answer.

2b. When creating an ad, advertisers choose design elements that maximise the chance that the ad will attract consumers’ attention. One of the ways to achieve this is to make the ad stimuli easier to process. How easy to process is the ad that you have selected? In your answer, you need to refer to three (3) characteristics of the stimuli used in the ad that make it easy or difficult to process. Discuss to what extent the stimuli in the ad possess these three characteristics.

2c. One of the limitations of print advertisements is that they rely mostly on one of the senses (vision) to convey the key message. Explain how the creators of the ad you selected have tried to overcome this limitation and appeal to more than one of the five senses.

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  • Uploaded By : Brett

  • Posted on : December 23rd, 2019

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Reference no: EM132069492

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