Discussion Prompt
Analyze the physical setting of a classroom. In what ways does the room arrangement prevent or create opportunities for building friendships, teaching organization, fostering initiative, and meeting privacy and other learning needs?
CLO 2: Research the effects of child development on young childrens discipline and learning.
Assessed by: Discussion Question
CLO 5: Assess all aspects of classroom life including adult-child interactions, social and environmental factors, and early education for the whole child.
Assessed by: Discussion Question
READINGS book Fields, et al.: Ch. 4 & 5 add as reference
VIDEOS youtube Highly Successful Strategies to Guide Young Children’s Behavior
- Explain how psychoactive drugs can affect the brain by changing the behavior of neurotransmitters or receptors.
- Discuss and reference concepts taken from the assigned textbook reading and relevant research.
- What are three agents that affect social behaviors?
- In what ways does the room arrangement prevent or create opportunities for building friendships, teaching organization, fostering initiative, and meeting privacy and other learning needs?
- Compare and contrast the settlement of the Chesapeake and New England.
- What makes you a perfect candidate for this school?
- Discuss the connection between your profession and the field of psychology.
- Discuss the reasons why Dallas did so poorly in Japan.
- Explain the reason you selected the global recommendation or SDG and why it is relevant to the vulnerable population.
- What are you looking to gain from Goizueta’s MBA degree and how do you see yourself contributing to the Goizueta community?