The memorable thing about the Gaelic League is not the amount of Irish that was taught in its classes – that indeed while not negligible was not decisive – the memorable thing was that it went out and strove against the hegemony of English cultural tradition in Irish life.- [‘What’s wrong with the Gaelic League’, An Camán, 9

The memorable thing about the Gaelic League is not the amount of Irish that was taught in its classes – that indeed while not negligible was not decisive – the memorable thing was that it went out and strove against the hegemony of English cultural tradition in Irish life.- [‘What’s wrong with the Gaelic League’, An Camán, 9/12/1933]
Is this true for this writer? Analyze the results of Gaelic Leagues work in the field of language and other fields such as the Gaelic Atheltics Association, the Anglo-Irish literary, Government parties like Sinn féin.
I can give you all the associated readings and lecture notes I have translated from Irish to english its fairly easy to translate it anything into google translate

The post The memorable thing about the Gaelic League is not the amount of Irish that was taught in its classes – that indeed while not negligible was not decisive – the memorable thing was that it went out and strove against the hegemony of English cultural tradition in Irish life.- [‘What’s wrong with the Gaelic League’, An Camán, 9 appeared first on My Academic Papers.

Reference no: EM132069492

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