Choose one story to write your essay on. Find one character with one problem. Study the Problem-Solving Matrix. Determine which method(s) the character uses to try to overcome the problem. Find the scenes in which the character uses the method(s). By the end of the story, determine the effects of the attempts. The effects can be multiple. Determine the problem in terms of characterization, setting or plot.

Learning Goal: I’m working on a english writing question and need a reference to help me learn.

Mini Hybrid-Essay – 500 words

Essay 2 is an open essay. As a hybrid essay, it share parts of the essay writing experience with other students. The entire grade of 100 points falls under essays, so be sure to complete both parts of this essay.

What should you read?

Short stories: “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant (it’s in Chapter 2 of our Edgar V. Roberts text); “The Lesson” by Toni Bambara; A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Find the links to the short stories under my lectures in this Module.
Read at least the first 5 chapters in the Roberts text, What Every Student Should Know About Writing About Literature. Don’t have the text? PDF files are under Resources.
Review lecture notes and access links under Module 4.
Study the Problem-Solving Matrix.

All characters are confronted with conflict. Conflict creates problems. We can learn a lot about a character in recognizing and analyzing how a character attempts to solve the problems confronting him or her. We can also learn from the causal effects.


Choose one story to write your essay on. Find one character with one problem. Study the Problem-Solving Matrix. Determine which method(s) the character uses to try to overcome the problem. Find the scenes in which the character uses the method(s). By the end of the story, determine the effects of the attempts. The effects can be multiple. Determine the problem in terms of characterization, setting or plot.
Which methods does the character tend to use to solve the problem and how and in which scenes and to what effect?

Use the vocabulary in the Problem-Solving Matrix,


Part 1–40 points — at least 100 words
Construct a tentative outline that is made up of a central idea, its thesis and their topic sentences that answer the prompt above.


Central idea:Momo tries different methods such as movement, domination and accommodation in his attempts to deal with his hurt feelings caused by his absent mother.
Thesis: His attempts are seen when he shits in the apartment when he meets with Mr. Hamil and wants to know about love and when he helps Madame Rosa by stealing food for the house.
First body paragraph topic sentence: Momo relies on domination when he shits in the apartment (setting, plot, characterization)
Second body paragraph topic sentence: Momo used movement in his visits with Mr. Hamil. (Characterization, setting)
Third body paragraph topic: Momo combines accommodation with domination and movement when he steals for food. (Setting, characterization, plot.

Part 2–60 points— at least 350 words

How would you go about composing an essay based on your outline? Explain how you might present and develop your essay in steps. You might consider any of the following: 1. How you would you present your introduction, body and conclusion. 2. Or you might consider how you would develop one or more of your body paragraphs by focusing on using your a reason in your thesis to develop your central idea. 3. Or you might consider how you might keep your essay unified and coherent so that each paragraph is about one thing, and how sentences and paragraphs flow logically and smoothly.

Your essay here must be divided into its own introduction, body and conclusion in different paragraphs.
Be specific. Your explanations include direct references to parts of your outline. You may also quote from your outline.
Use at least one quote from the story itself. Cite the page number.
Use MLA formatting for quotes.
Do not attach your essay. Paste it directly in the submit window.


Evaluate the central idea, thesis and topic sentences. Are they clearly linked? What do you like about them? Any suggestions for improvement?

Note: You must post your hybrid essay here by Nov. 14. But you may post as late for late credit until Nov. 21st.


Lecture Notes: Setting and Characterization

Lecture Notes: Character and Plot

Handout: Similarities and Differences

Elements in Fiction (Detailed)
Literary Terms
Weekly Overview, Reading & Writing Assignments (Includes link to policies page and essay due dates)
MODULE : Start Here

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Reference no: EM132069492

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