Summarize and introduce a person’s life

1) Select a person from the list provided. The individual must be a person different from you in their cultural makeup. Each of you must select a different person from this list.Uwimana Arnica, 11, Rwanda, 1994 wimana Arnica, 11, Rwanda, 1994 means that in 1994 he was 11 years old and he was a virtual person who had to imagine his life in chronological contextResearch the history of the associated group in the designated time period* and provide a factual history of their country and current events for the time period in your own words, integrating source material when appropriate. @ 400 words.

*For example, if you take on the identity of Tran Nguyen, 17, Vietnam, 1975, you could conduct a search using terms such as “personal accounts of Vietnamese refugees” and “Vietnam 1975.”

3) Include a Works Cited and Annotated Bibliography of your sources – at least two.

4) Create a profile so you will know who your person is and what they do.

5) Design a portrait of the person as you see them in your mind, or an image of the person and their companions. The portrait must be created by you.

6) Create a fictional narrative of this person based on actual facts, illuminating the events and conditions that caused the person to experience extreme hardship, leave their country of origin, go into hiding, become a refugee, or seek asylum in the United States or elsewhere. @400 words.

7) Create a text-image object to show and tell the story of this person. You can use Ben Sakoguchi’s “Postcards from Camp” as a model, the Op-Ed piece “Condemned by the President” by Rafael Medoff and Dean Motter,

– You will share the text-image object with the class in a five-minute presentation week 11, November 15th, the same date your project is due. You will not be reading your research or narrative paper; you will be showing your text-image object and discussing it in relation to the research and narrative. This should be well-rehearsed, so that you can give your presentation without notes.


The narrative could include any of the following, but must include line 1. The rest are suggestions:


1) The name, age, and country of origin of the person.

2) Had life been difficult over an extended period of time or did it suddenly deteriorate?

3) The person is able to take one small bag or suitcase containing a maximum of ten items that would fit in the bag or suitcase that could be easily carried during the journey, whether en route to another country or when going into hiding . What would she, they, or he bring and why?Works Cited

Blegen, Theodore C. “Cleng Peerson and Norwegian Immigration.” The Mississippi Valley Historical Review, vol. 7, no. 4, 1921, pp. 303–331. JSTOR, Accessed 2 Apr. 2021.

Hale, Frederick. “The Development of Religious Freedom in Norway.” Journal of Church and State, vol. 23, no. 1, 1981, pp. 47–68. JSTOR, Accessed 2 Apr. 2021.

Semmingsen, Ingrid. “Norwegian emigration in the nineteenth century.” Scandinavian Economic History Review, Vol 8. No 2, Dec 20, 2011, pp. 150-160,

TANDFonline.,. Accessed 2 Apr. 2021.

“The Norwegians.” Scandinavian. Immigration and Relocation in U.S. History. Classroom Materials at the Library of Congress. The Library of Congress. Accessed 2 Apr. 2021


Blegen, Theodore C. “Cleng Peerson and Norwegian Immigration.” The Mississippi Valley

Historical Review, vol. 7, no. 4, 1921, pp. 303–331. JSTOR, 2 Apr. 2021.

[Author Credentials] Theodore C. Blegen was an historian who focused mostly in Norwegian immigration and Minnesota’s history.

[Audience/Type of Information] JSTOR is one of the largest and most accredited databases that houses thousands of scholarly journals, papers, and articles on a variety of topics.

[Purpose/Bias/Point of View] The purpose of this article is to follow the life of Cleng Peerson and his life immigrating to America from Norway, and how it reflects on Norwegian immigrants as a whole.

[Relevance to Paper] This article is useful to me because it shows the lives of Norwegians in America at the time period that I needed, as most sources give information about much later time periods.

Hale, Frederick. “The Development of Religious Freedom in Norway.” Journal of Church and State, vol. 23, no. 1, 1981, pp. 47–68. JSTOR, Accessed 2 Apr. 2021.

[Author Credentials] Frederick Hale is a writer who specializes in European Immigration to the Midwest, and whose work has been published in the Oxford University Press.

[Audience/Type of Information] JSTOR is one of the largest and most accredited databases that houses thousands of scholarly journals, papers, and articles on a variety of topics.

[Purpose/Bias/Point of View] The purpose of this article is to educate the reader on Norway’s history and religion from the mid-century, to the present. It also provides information about life in Norway and how it intersected with religion. The article was published in 1981.

[Relevance to Paper] The source is relevant to me because it gives a possible reason for wanting to leave Norway, as well as detailing what everyday life was like.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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