Hello, everybody,
Your review of Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac’s The Future We Choose: The Stubborn Optimist’s Guide to the Climate Crisis is due Sunday, December 4. Model your essay on the Sample Book Review available in D2L and online. Strictly adhere to the instructions below.
Upload your essay in Microsoft Word. Do not upload a PDF. You can easily convert and save your documents as Microsoft Word if you use Google Docs or Pages for Mac.
Your grade for this assignment will appear in the D2L grade book under “Book Review.”
This is not a research paper. You will find all the information needed to complete this assignment in the book itself. Do not consult outside sources. Do not look for book summaries or book reviews online. Do not cheat. Plagiarizing will earn any student a “zero” in this assignment and an “F” in the course.
Guidelines for Book Reviews
Follow these guidelines very closely. This assignment counts for up to 200 points or 20% of your final grade. Your book review will be no less than 1,000 words in length and no more than 2,000 words.
You must write this review in your own words. If you include text quotes, they must not be more than 10% of your entire paper.
When you cite this book, always place text quotes within quotation marks and include a page number. For example,
According to Figueres and Rivett-Carnac, “we must move toward understanding our shared existence in this planet, not because it is a nice addendum to what we do but because it is a matter of survival.” (161).
Grade. Your grade for this assignment will be based on form and content including grammar, spelling, analysis, and critical thinking. It must conform to the minimum length requirements or else you will receive a less-than-passing grade for this assignment.
Parts of the Book Review
Spacing and Font.
Use standard margins (1″ all around), and Times New Roman Font, Size 12.
At the top of the first page only you need to place the proper citation:
Title of Book. By Author (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication). Reviewed by (Your Name).
The Future We Choose: The Stubborn Optimist’s Guide to the Climate Crisis. By Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac. Vintage Books, 2021. Reviewed by (Student’s Name) .
The review itself is a critical examination of the author’s thesis, evidence, and analysis.
Part 1.
Who is/are the author(s)? How is/are the author(s) qualified to write this book? For Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac’s book, refer to the Author’s Note on pages ix-xii.
What is the main argument of this book? What is your personal assessment of this book?
Is this book important? Explain why or why not. What evidence does the author use? Considering that the author is an expert in the field and that his own experiences serve as evidence. In addition, you may see the notes on pages 179-204.
As you read the book, type your notes on every single chapter.
The middle of this book review will include summaries with supporting examples of each section of the book. Each of these paragraphs will be no less than 75 words in length. These summaries will identify the main argument illustrated with at least one example. Clearly state the chapter you are describing at the beginning of the paragraph. For Figueres and Rivett-Carnac’s The Future We Choose, write summaries with supporting examples of the Author’s Note, the Introduction, chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, chapter 6, chapter 7, chapter 8, the Conclusion, and the chapter “What You Can Do Now.”
Is (are) the author’s argument(s) effective? Explain.
Part 2. One (1) to two (2) paragraphs on what you found interesting and what you did not find interesting.
What was interesting to you? Explain.
What was not interesting to you? Explain.
Part 3. One (1) paragraph. Conclusion.
Who would be interested in reading this book?
What level (general public, elementary, secondary school, undergraduate, graduate students, etc.) of expertise is this book written for?
Part 4. Other Stuff
Bibliography – There is neither a bibliography nor a “works cited” page on a formal book review.
Cover page – There is no cover page in a formal book review. The heading of a book review takes the place of a cover page.