Annotated bibliography of four academic papers/books which I consider the most important academic sources for answering your essay question. The
annotated bibliography has a maximum word limit of 800 words – this implies a word limit of 200 words for each of the four sources
van Praag, M., & Versloot, P. H. 2007. What is the value of entrepreneurship? A review of recent research. Small Business Economics, 29(4): 351–382. ( NEXT
Fritsch, M. (2007). How does new business formation affect regional development? Small Business Economics, doi: 10.1007/s11187-007-9057-y. Fritsch, M.,
& Mueller, P. (2007).
Henrekson, M., & Johansson, D. 2010. Gazelles as job creators: a survey and interpretation of the evidence. Small Business Economics, 35(2): 227–244.
Henrekson, M & Stenkula, P. (2016) Chapter 7: The importance of entrepreneurship for aggregate economic development, in Understanding Entrepreneurship:
Definition, Function & Policy. Studentlitteratur, pp.121-1.
LINK FOR THIS (Henrekson 2016) IS BELOW as i could not find it on google scholar:
I personally have written the draft essay ( the first part of my assignment currently incomplete) the annotated biblogogrphy is seperate (second section
which i please request paper writings to help) and 200 WORDS EACH MAX for specific reference. Skip over the essay plan
Attached is an example our lecturer gave us please look at the annotated biblography section for context.
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