With respect to a learning needs assessment tool the demographics of the group is important to know but don’t you think you could be basic in your approach since it would be nearly impossible to tailor the education to every single demographic?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

With respect to a learning needs assessment tool the demographics of the group is important to know but don’t you think you could be basic in your approach since it would be nearly impossible to tailor the education to every single demographic? While this article is a little dated, I like what this exert has to say and would like your take on this information by Romanelli et al. (2009):

“Novice learners will likely be more successful when classrooms, either by design or by chance, are tailored to their learning style. However, the ultimate goal is to instill within students the skills to recognize and react to various styles so that learning is maximized no matter what the environment. This is an essential skill for an independent learner and for students in any career path” (p. 3).

Your thoughts?


Romanelli, F., Bird, E., & Melody Ryan, M. (2009, February 19). Learning styles: A review of theory, application, and best practices. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 73(1), 1-5. doi:10.5688/aj730109. Please write 150 to 175 words response including at least one citation with the reference information given. Thank you in advance for your help.

Reference no: EM132069492

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