A good resume will get you an interview if you meet the basic requirements for the position. There is a science to preparing an excellent resume. The text provides and excellent template for you use for your “winning” resume. Chapter 11 prepares you for the situation where you are not offered an interview or get the job opportunity. It provides great insight and strategies to address this possible outcome. Chapter 12 helps you navigate the critical application process. The importance of being honest, thorough and complete is the key. Lastly, Chapter 13 is all about how you present yourself and what a prospective employer is looking for. This is the crux of your career search. Often times there is only one opportunity to sell yourself. Be prepared, enthusiastic and do your due diligence. Even after this class is over, you may wish to review these Chapters as you progress through the application/hiring process.
Your assignment is to prepare a resume using the strategies and templates in the text. The position you are seeking should be consistent with your career goals we have discussed. In my prior positions, I have reviewed thousands of resumes and applications. This is your opportunity to to make the best “first impression”. You may not get a second chance to do so. For those interested, I previously offered to conduct a mock interview through FaceTime or other mode for extra credit. Please submit your resume to me as an individual email. It is not to be shared in discussion posts. Also in the body of your submission, please indicate if you wish to have the mock interview session. The resume assignment is due to me between by APRIL 27, 2022 or before. That will give me ample opportunity to review and return to you with my comments so you can adjust it if necessary. The optional interviews will be conducted after your submission and review for those who may be interested. I look forward to seeing your submissions. Please contact me via email should you have any questions.
Each resume must be specific to the position being sought as you know. The use of action verbs, I led, directed, managed, oversaw, implemented say much to your level of responsibility. The key is to have about 3 bullet points for each listed job on your resume which show a challenge (or situation), your specific efforts (actions) and the results based on your action. Specifically a quantifiable result is a great example. Awards, achievements, community or volunteer service etc, are always welcomed. Be mindful of using acronyms/language that only those in your field understand. You have an advantage with your excellent background. The final assignment in this class is a well written, structured resume encompassing the suggestions in the Chapter, the templates and my recommendations. I’ll be looking for those items
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