Analyzing a theory of choice in the psychology of a lifespan milestone.



Prepare a critical essay that summarizes and critiques a theory of choice in the psychology of a lifespan milestone. This assignment is about theory integration and analysis of one’s
personal self., self-needs, and strengths. Students are to assess 4 personal growth stages of cognition,
social, and development. There are three sections in the draft – the “My Story” section, Theory
Integration section, and an Analysis section. The draft should be 2 to 3 double spaced pages with a cover
page and reference page. Developmental milestones are as follows.
Prenatal Development, infancy, and early childhood
School age children and adolescents
Young and middle adults
Late adulthood
The following is just to help you outline the theory section of the draft; you do not need to cover each
point exhaustively:
Present the context of the theory–what is to be explained, why that’s important, and why past
explanations have been less than adequate.
Present the major elements of the theory: the concepts or constructs, the linkages, the empirical
evidence for and against the theory. Try to diagram the theory.
Discuss the adequacy of the theory, both formally (logically) and substantively (explaining
empirical findings)
Give an example of an application of the theory to your own research interests and professional
concerns (or its inadequacy in potential applications).
What more do you need to know to assess the adequacy of the theory? What should the next steps
in theory development be?


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Reference no: EM132069492

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