Briefly describe any experience you might need to enter each career right out of UG graduation.

Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

part 1 Name the three careers you could pursue with a psychology degree – consider this discussion your outline.

Briefly describe each.

Briefly describe any experience you might need to enter each career right out of UG graduation.

What annual salary might you expect to earn?

Is this career a long-term career – or a stepping stone career?

Does your psychology major prepare you for immediately starting or do you have to have some form of training? If so, low long, how much, worth it?

What draws you to these three careers?

What are the cons of each career?

What did you learn from this assignment – go deeply with your comments.
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Part 2 Chapter 8 talks about adolescence. What did you find the most interesting or surprising in the chapter and why?Add two comments to reply to other peers

Part 3What is Tolstoy in “The Death of Ivan Ilyich” saying about life? More specifically, what is he suggesting about how some of the details of our lives — job positions, salary, social advancement, promotions — eclipse what might be the true meaning of living? Are we automatons, or are we souls? Are we cogs in a great machine, or are we spirits trapped in a mortal coil? Add two comments to reply to other peers.

Reference no: EM132069492

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