What does Publix (or your favorite local grocery store) do to manage and enhance relationships with their customers?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Part 1. Should be between 300-500 words. APA citations. Please use websites and Chapters that are attached to this. Use in text citations. Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 are attachments, and they must be in text citations.

For years, the Publix Grocery Store company has attempted to develop a strong brand image and has recently started to develop a strong brand relationship. Answer the following questions as they relate to Publix (or a local grocery store of your choice that you use in your community):

What does Publix (or your favorite local grocery store) do to manage and enhance relationships with their customers?
How does Publix (or your favorite local grocery store) emphasize their brand name?
How do they differentiate themselves from their major competitor (e.g., Winn Dixie in Florida)?
Using social media and other media outlets, what can Publix do differently in the future to generate a stronger bond between the company and its target markets?
Include in your discussion post personal observations as well as concrete examples to support your views.
Apart from the text, cite at least one other article you found on your own or in this module that supports your comments and suggestions.

Part 2.

In this assignment, you will analyze a case in your Case Study booklet from McGraw-Hill. The 8-page case is: “Customer Experience as Segmentation Basis: The ‘Luxury’ in Question”. Also, read the article ““Welcome to the Experience Economy”. Harvard Business Review, July-August 1998. B. Joseph Pine II and James H. Gilmore. Once you have read the case and the article, you will answer all the questions at the end of the case (I-VI).

Your answers should reflect depth of understanding and should have citations from the readings. All citations should reflect APA format. The document should be submitted with a cover page and reference page.

The case reviews traditional segmentation elements such as demographics, psychographics and geographics. It also ties in with customer relationship marketing management. It introduces the idea of using the “customer experience” as a method of segmentation and makes a comparison of this new methodology to traditional methods.

Your case report should not exceed 1,500 words. But at least 1200 Use in text citations.

Part 3. In this assignment your team will collaborate on determining the segment of the population you will consider as your target market for the new product you are introducing as part of your marketing strategy plan project. Using the marketing tools you’ve read about segmentation, respond to the following questions when designing your target market segment:

What are the specific demographics you might appeal to?
What are some lifestyle and behavioral traits of this segment?
Where would you likely introduce this product (regionally, nationally)?
What needs/wants of this segment is your product satisfying (features/benefits)?
Why is this segment optimal for this product?
Cite and list any sources using APA format.

Should not exceed 500 words. The attachments labeled as part 3 will go with this assignment.

Reference no: EM132069492

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