Public relations agency


Scenario: You are an account executive at a public relations agency, and you’ve been assigned a new client, a business* that is struggling to tell its story. Your job is to help that business identify a newsworthy story that is both newsworthy and helps communicate an important message about the organization – and to pitch it to the news media.

*You can decide what business to represent for this assignment, but it should be a different organization than what you used for your pitch email ***

Assignment: Use research and your understanding of news values and strategic messaging to develop a mini media kit for your client. The idea behind this media kit is to have a packet of information that gives reporters all the information they might need to write a story. The goal of the media kit is to successfully attract a reporter to cover the story.

The media kit for your final project will include:

An informative news release
A persuasive pitch email
You will also need to complete and submit the final assignment worksheet so I can see your research.

Bonus: Ten points extra credit for contacting the business owners for quotes and information that might help you develop your pitch materials. (Note: Be sure to explain that you’re a student doing a project and that this information would only be for your professor to see. If they’re interested in seeing the final materials and possibly using them, that’s totally your decision.) If you decide against contacting the business owners, no worries – it will not impact your grade.

Tip: When crafting your story idea, remember to read the (news) room: What was newsworthy at the beginning of this term is different from what is newsworthy now.

The post Public relations agency first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Reference no: EM132069492

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