Compare and contrast how the projects/infrastructure described have changed over time.

Learning Goal: I’m working on a construction report and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Read the book reports attached below and answer the following questions:

1. Summarize, in a total of no more than one page, the (key) events described in the books. Summarize a comparison of the events by completing the following table. This table should be included in the beginning of the report. Focus on important similarities and differences in text that accompanies and references this table. (This table can use smaller font (9-10pt) and spacing (single spacing) to allow the table to fit within one page considering the predefined margins for this report.). on the page after the summary, add a paragraph or two introducing your report. Briefly share with the reader what the report is about and how it is organized.

Name and Location of Project
Time Period of Construction
Impacts of the structure (positive and negative)
Innovative features of the structure or infrastructure, or methods used to build it

2. Compare and contrast how the projects/infrastructure described have changed over time. Do you think that there is evidence from one book to the next, considering the timeline described in each, that the built environment is improving, or that people otherwise learned lessons from previous projects/infra-structure to improve the built environment and people’s lives? You are encouraged to think broadly about this question, including but not limited to issues related to quality of buildings, materials and methods used; human, health, safety, and environmental impact; how the public and/or private sectors organized to design, build, and maintain the projects/infrastructure described.


The report should have headings for each section do not write using an essay format. You should use Times New Roman, 12-point font, space-and-a-half, 1-inch margins all around.


Reference list with complete bibliographic records for any sources using in the report including the books the group read.


Reference no: EM132069492

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