Unit 5: Describe the current legislation relating to Health and Safety: Lead Health and Safety Assignment, UK

Task Questions:

1. Describe the current legislation relating to Health and Safety.

Look at 3 of your own policies and procedures, do they comply with the current legislation? How do they impact on your role?

2. Describe the responsibilities of yourself, the employer or manager and others in the work setting.

 3. Design a handout for team members that lists tasks that should not be carried out without training. A copy of this needs to be sent in with the assignment.

Listed below are Health and Safety related areas.

4. Describe your responsibilities and limitations with regards to legislation and policies:

Moving and positioning
Emergency first aid
Food safety
Fire safety
Risk to own safety
Risk to safety of others
Prompting of administration of medication
Infection prevention and control
Hazardous substances

 5. You find Mrs Jones on the floor:

Explain the procedure to be followed when finding her
Complete a fictitious accident report and submit
Describe the reports you should complete and why
Describe the procedure to be followed for sudden illness.

 6. Evaluate your own practice in leading a balanced approach to risk management.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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