logical addressing and physical addressing

Provide any five differences between logical addressing and physical addressing in operating systems.

Provide any five differences between logical addressing and physical addressing in operating systems.


The logical addressing scheme is a method used by the operating system and other programs to access data on drives. Logical addressing differs from physical (disk) addresses in that it is not related to actual locations on disk drives; rather, it’s how the operating system knows where your files are located.logical addressing uses the concept of partitions and volumes which can be thought of as groups of sectors that make up an entire partition or volume. Each partition or volume has its own unique logical sector address — called an LBA — which identifies a specific location within its corresponding partition/volume. For example: if you create two partitions on your drive with two different sizes (say 10 GB each), then each partition would have two separate LBA numbers: one being 000001500000500000 (10 GB), while the second being 0200000500000005000 (5GB).

Logical addressing of drives, files and data is referred to as file system addressing.

In operating systems, logical addressing of drives, files and data is referred to as file system addressing. Logical addressing allows the operating system to refer to a drive, file or data by a name that is independent of the physical location of the drive, file or data.

It is also referred to as file system addressing because it enables you to create more than one copy of your files on different hard drives without having to move them around every time you want access them.

There are two types of logical addressing: absolute and relative.

You may have heard the terms logical addressing and physical addressing. Logical addresses are used to refer to a range of sectors that are allocated by the operating system, while physical addresses indicate where those sectors reside in a disk partition or hard drive.

Logical addressing is typically implemented with some combination of absolute and relative logical sector addresses that differ from one another depending on whether they’re stored on an actual physical disk or within an operating system’s memory pool (such as ZFS). Absolute logical sector addresses can be directly translated into their corresponding physical locations on the disk; relative logical sector addresses must first be translated from absolute before being used.

Absolute logical sector addresses in the range 0000-7FFF are reserved for the operating system and applications.

Absolute logical sector addresses in the range 0000-7FFF are reserved for the operating system and applications. The most common way to access these areas is with absolute logical sector addressing.

Boot record: This area contains information about how your computer starts up, including its hardware configuration and software image that’s loaded into memory at startup time.
Partition table: Your hard disk has partitions (called sectors), which can be organized in one of several ways depending on how you set up your computer’s operating system or application software. The partition table contains information about each partition such as its size and location on disk, whether it was created by Windows itself or some other program, etc., so that applications can locate them quickly when they need them later on down inside their own data structures such as filesystems or databases like SQLite which store data efficiently across multiple platforms without requiring any special tools beyond what comes standard with every version of GNU/Linux distributions.”

Relative logical sector addresses are stored in each partition’s sectors X1B00 through XFFFF, where XXX represents the partition number in that partition.

Relative logical sector addresses are stored in each partition’s sectors X1B00 through XFFFF, where XXX represents the partition number in that partition. The starting point for relative logical sector addresses is 0, not 1. To interpret this value correctly, you must subtract 1 from all relative logical sector addresses for proper interpretation.

The directory number (D) is stored in sectors 80000 through DFFFF and contains information about how many free blocks are available for each directory entry offset; it does not contain any data itself but provides a reference for determining whether or not there are sufficient free blocks available to satisfy an access request from a user program running on your system’s processor core(s).

The starting point for relative logical sector addresses is 0, not 1. Therefore, you must subtract 1 from all relative logical sector addresses for proper interpretation.

Relative logical sector addresses are stored in each partition’s sectors X1B00 through XFFFF, where XXX represents the partition number in that partition. For example, if you have a hard drive with four partitions on it (A, B, C and D), then you would see these four numbers:

C – 3DFF * D * 4E000

Relative directory numbers are stored in sectors 80000 through DFFFF, where D800 through D2FFFF represent the volume serial number (VSN) assigned by Microsoft Windows NT or Windows 2000 respectively.

Relative directory numbers are stored in sectors 80000 through DFFFF, where D800 through D2FFFF represent the volume serial number (VSN) assigned by Microsoft Windows NT or Windows 2000 respectively. The remainder of the disk contains data that cannot be accessed until after it has been read from disk.

If you have a fixed hard drive, then all you need to do is set up automatic defragmentation on your drive so that it runs when you’re not using it. If your hard drive has an SSD (solid state drive), then configuring automatic defragmentation may be more difficult because there isn’t much room for improvement anyhow – just like with RAM, getting rid of fragmentation won’t make much difference unless there’s enough free space available first!

In addition to these differences between absolute and relative logical addressing, there are also significant differences between them on disk drives under different operating systems.

In addition to these differences between absolute and relative logical addressing, there are also significant differences between them on disk drives under different operating systems.

Absolute logical addressing is used by DOS (Disk Operating System) and Windows NT/2000/XP. This type of allocation scheme is known as “hardware sector” or “hardware block” allocation, which means that each drive has a fixed number of sectors per track (this can be changed by altering the master boot record). This type of allocation scheme means that data cannot be moved from one location to another within the same disk drive; instead it must be copied or moved using an operating system utility called a “disk transfer program.”
Relative logical addressing is used by Linux-based operating systems like Ubuntu and Mint along with other forks such as Debian GNU/Linux or Gentoo Linux distributions etc., but not Windows 10 or newer versions thereof due to their inability to support this type of allocation scheme without having special hardware installed inside them first before they’ll allow us accesses our files through write operations against those drives’ logical partitions created during installation process itself which takes place via command prompt window via command line interface tools like mountvol command line tool provided inside mntutils directory under home directory path stored within root directory located at root partition level where user currently logged into current session “root” account

It’s important to know these differences when creating a disk layout or doing troubleshooting during installation or after installation

In order to understand the difference between logical and physical addressing, you need to know some basics about how computers work.

Logical addressing refers to the way in which a disk drive reads data from and writes data onto its hard drives. It’s also known as offsetting and sector-based systems because they use offsets (basically, pointers) instead of an absolute address for each sector on a disk or partitioned space on a hard drive.

The difference between relative and absolute addressing is that with relative addressing, you specify which sector should be accessed by specifying an offset from another location (ie., 0h = sector 1). With absolute addressing, you must specify an exact location within your file system; this may seem like an obvious distinction but it can lead to problems when setting up new disks since there may not be enough room available for both types of access!


Therefore, it is important to know these differences when creating a disk layout or doing troubleshooting during installation or after installation.

Reference no: EM132069492

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