computer project

Projects are unique, one-time operations designed to accomplish a set of objectives in a limited time frame (Stevenson, 2021).

Think about a project you did recently or a project you will soon work on and detail the following:

1. Offer a brief explanation of the type of project.

2. Create a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) of the project and explain how it will help you with your project.

3. Present both probabilistic  (t0, tp, and tm) and deterministic time estimates and discuss how you arrived at these time estimates.

4. For each activity, determine hypothetical costs in a table. Include budgeted costs, percent complete, actual/projected cost, and over/under budget (and total). Discuss the rationale for how you derived these costs.

5. Finally, tell us how the project management tools helped you gain a better vision of the project.


· Your assignment is required to be four to five pages in length, which does not include the title page and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.

· Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and  at least five scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.  

· Formatted according to APA 7th edition.

· It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments into Turnitin prior to submitting them to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment into the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin – Student Guide for step-by-step instructions.

Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

Use assay form introduction which has a thesis, body and conclusion



computer project


You’ve decided to build a computer project and you’re ready to get started. You’ve got all the parts and supplies, but how do you know where to start? Here are some tips for getting started on your own DIY computer project:


A computer project is a set of activities that you do to learn about computers and the internet. It can include anything from writing code, making websites or apps for mobile devices, creating games or creating digital stories.

The aim of this project is to create a website where people can play a game called Flappy Bird where they have to dodge green pipes while avoiding red ones by tapping on their phone screen at the right time.

Details of the computer project

The computer project is a set of tasks that will allow you to create the software for your robot. You’ll need to write code in C++ and compile that into machine code, which can be executed by your robot.

The budget for this project is $200, which includes materials and labor costs (e.g., buying hardware). The timeline for completing it is two weeks from start date to delivery date at which point we hope you’ll be ready with working prototype! We expect our deliverables include:

A list of all possible commands that would make sense in real life (e.g., “open door”)
A list of all possible actions taken when interacting with objects around us (e.g., opening doors)
A list of how these commands work together under normal circumstances so they can be used as part of an overall strategy rather than just being random strings that happen once every few minutes

Hardware requirements

The computer that you will use for this project.
The operating system (OS) you will use for this project.
The software that you will use for this project.
Peripherals required, such as a mouse and keyboard or touch screen and stylus pen/stylus-like device used with touchscreen devices like tablets or smartphones; these are often referred to as pointing devices because they allow users to point at visual targets on a display screen or other display device such as an LCD monitor which displays text data stored within memory banks inside “RAM” which stands for Random Access Memory where information is stored temporarily until it can be accessed again later when needed by another program running on your computer’s CPU chip (Central Processing Unit), also known as microprocessor chips found inside electronic circuitry boards called motherboards which connect everything together into one single unit called “systems architecture”.

Software requirements

Before you can begin working on your computer project, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what software packages are required. You’ll need to use at least two different types: one for creating graphics and another for programming. The best way to get started is by reading through our list of recommended software packages below:

Photoshop (a graphic-editing program)
Illustrator (a vector drawing program)
GIMP (an open source toolkit with features similar to Photoshop and Illustrator)
Inkscape (similar but simpler than Gimp or Inkscape)

A list of programs you need to run the experiment

In order to run the experiment, you need to use a computer. There are a number of programs that you can use in your computer project.

A text editor like Notepad or Microsoft Word
The program “GIMP” (a free photo editor)
The program “Inkscape” (a free vector graphics editor).

A checklist of things to do before starting the experiment

Before you begin, make sure that you have all the equipment needed to complete your project. This includes:

A computer with a working internet connection
A blank sheet of paper and pencils or pens (if drawing)
A ruler or tape measure if measuring distance accurately

It’s time to get started.

It’s time to get started.

You’ve got a blank slate here, and you’ll be using it as the basis for your own computer program. There are many ways to do this, but I’ll show you how I did it in the example below (and later on in this section).


Now is the time to get started on your computer project. The most important thing to do is make sure that all of the hardware and software requirements are met before you start, so that everything goes smoothly if something goes wrong later down the road.



Reference no: EM132069492

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