Human Development



You communicate how cultural, historical, and local factors have an impact on situations, events, issues, or phenomena related to Human Development, and Mental Health.
When working on your semester project please consider the following:
• Audience awareness: Your communication reflects an understanding of the needs and perspectives of your audience.
• Empathy: You explain how perspectives influence human interactions and understandings of a situation, event, issue, or phenomenon discussed in your paper.
• Perspective: You explain how access to knowledge, technology, and resources, influence perspectives and interpretations of situations, events, issues, or phenomena discussed in your paper
• Appropriation: You sample and remix a variety of content to produce new meaning.
• Synthesis: You understand and can explain to others the phenomenon discussed in your paper
• Adaptability: You apply your current knowledge to learning new ones.
• Resiliency: You seek out and use a variety of resources in your paper.




The post Human Development first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Reference no: EM132069492

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