The post The implementation stage of the process is where you, as a nurse, apply action to your clients care. As a reminder, an overview of the Nursing Process Project and the project resources can b is a property of College Pal
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The implementation stage of the process is where you, as a nurse, apply action to your client’s care.
As a reminder, an overview of the Nursing Process Project and the project resources can be found in Module 3: Nursing Process Project: Overview.
The fourth part of the Nursing Process Project requires you to complete the implementation section on the Nursing Process Project template. Follow these steps to complete this part of the project.
Step 1: Complete the implementation section of the Nursing Process Project template by including a minimum of two interventions for each goal identified. Consider the following as you formulate client interventions:
What nursing interventions do you think are necessary to accomplish your goals?
What will assist the client in meeting the goals?
If a category is non-applicable, simply write NA in that section of the template.
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The post The implementation stage of the process is where you, as a nurse, apply action to your clients care. As a reminder, an overview of the Nursing Process Project and the project resources can b appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper