New employee orientation

New employee orientation

New employee orientation


Welcome to our company! You may be wondering what your role is and how it will help our team. You’ll learn more about this during orientation, but in the meantime let me give you some background on what we do here at Wolfram Research.

Welcome to the team

Welcome to the team. I’m sure you’re all excited to be working with us, and we’re excited to have you here!

The first thing I want to do is introduce myself. My name is [your name], and I’ll be your new manager. So let’s start off by getting down to business:

How are things going for you so far? Have there been any questions or concerns about our company, or anything else that has been bothering you? If so, please feel free to ask me anything! Let me know if there’s anything else that needs addressing before we go too far into orientation (I don’t want my employees feeling uncomfortable).

What is your name?

You: Hello, my name is [your name]. I’m the person who will be greeting you during your orientation.

New Employee: Nice to meet you! My name is [name of new employee], and I’ll be working here at [company name].

Why are you here?

What is the purpose of an orientation?
What is the purpose of your job?

Where do you work?

The first thing you should do as an employee is find out where you work. The best way to do this is by looking at the office directory and asking someone in your department for more information about how it works.

What is your company’s name?
What is your department’s name? (If there isn’t one, ask for clarification on what they mean by this.)
Is there a specific area that employees use when they enter and leave the building, like a cafeteria or break room? If so, what are those areas called? Does everyone go through them at once or do some people go through separately depending on their location within the building (like if they’re going from one floor to another). If so, who goes through where when? etc…

What’s your role?

Your role is to contribute to the success of the company. As a new employee, your responsibilities will include:

Identifying opportunities for improvement in our processes and procedures.
Making suggestions for how we can improve our operations and efficiency.
Supporting other departments with requests or problems that you may encounter on a daily basis as part of your job duties.

Welcome to our company.

Welcome to our company. We are glad you are joining us, and we hope that you will find working here enjoyable and rewarding.

We have many roles available, so please take some time to browse through the available job descriptions on our website if you’re not sure what position might be right for you. If there’s anything else we can help you with, please don’t hesitate in contacting us at [email protected].


In conclusion, new employee orientation is a great way to welcome new employees and make them feel comfortable in their new team.


Reference no: EM132069492

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