MGMT704: Foundations of Leadership Assignment RESEARCH & CASE NO. 1 (WEEK 3)
Assignment Description
This assignment is designed to allow you to demonstrate your knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of leaders in the management and operations of an organization, including the critical roles of decision making, and communication. You will conduct a leadership analysis to apply concepts learned throughout the course and explore aspects of motivation, conflict and change management, and diversity in contemporary organizations.
Assignment Instructions
Choose a publicly traded organization. Research the leadership practices and style of a senior leader in the company. Write a leadership analysis that explores the leader’s function in the organization as well as his/her leadership style(s).
Assignment Length and Content
Your written assignment should be a minimum of 1,500 words in length and include the following information:
· Company name, company function (product or service), leader name, title, etc.
· A description of the chosen leader’s leadership style.
· A summary of the primary role and responsibilities of the leader within the company.
· A description of the functions of planning, organizing, commanding, staffing, and controlling in leadership.
· An analysis that explains whether the chosen leader does or does not aspire to be a leader within the chosen company. Provide supporting detail as to why or why not.
Assignment Suggestions
· Develop a list of questions to guide your research and response to each component of this assignment so that you can meet the criterion present in the rubric.
· Select a company in which you have an invested interest, such as a corporation in which you are a stockholder.
· Select a company that you frequent often, such as a bank, restaurant, or a select a company within an industry of choice.
Using Sources
You may refer to the course material for supporting evidence, but you must also use at least two credible, outside sources and cite them using APA format. Please include a mix of both primary and secondary sources, with at least one source from a scholarly peer-reviewed journal. If you use any lessons as sources, please also cite them in APA (including the lesson title and instructor’s name).
· Primary sources are first-hand accounts such as interviews, advertisements, speeches, company documents, statements, and press releases published by the company in question.
· Secondary sources come from peer-reviewed scholarly journals, such as the Journal of Management. You may use like JSTOR, Google Scholar, and Social Science Research Network to find articles from these journals. Secondary sources may also come from reputable websites with .gov, .edu, or .org in the domain. (Wikipedia is not a reputable source, though the sources listed in Wikipedia articles may be acceptable.)
OPTOPN 1: The Nature of Managerial Work, Leadership in Organizations