A 15-year-old girl is diagnosed with cancer. She is tired of chemotherapy and being in the hospital

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Select one of the case studies and consider the ethical dilemmas in the case study. Focus on the NASW Code of Ethics pertinent to the case you selected. Remember to analyze the case from the perspective of the social worker.


A 15-year-old girl is diagnosed with cancer. She is tired of chemotherapy and being in the hospital. She tells her parents and her doctors that she wants to terminate treatment and live her final days at home and spending time with her friends.

Post an explanation of the ethical dilemma in the case you selected. From the perspective of the medical social worker, explain which ethical standards need to be considered and how those standards may suggest different ethical courses of action. Explain how you might respond to the ethical dilemma as the medical social worker in this case. Explain two ethical responsibilities for a medical social worker in response to this case. Make sure to support your response by referring to the NASW Code of Ethics.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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