You have two employees who are not getting along. How would you handle this situation?

4. Scenario: You have two employees who are not getting along. How would you handle

this situation?


4. Scenario: You have two employees who are not getting along. How would you handle this situation?


Two employees are not getting along. How would you handle this situation? It’s not a question of how you handle it, but how do you find out if they are or aren’t? The best way to find out is by asking them directly. You could also ask another employee who has been in the office a while and they can see if they know what’s going on with them. If both employees are lying to you, then that’s an immediate problem

You have two employees who are not getting along. How would you handle this situation?

If you have two employees who are not getting along, you may want to ask them directly. However, if it’s clear that one of your coworkers is lying about something important, then it might be best to talk with a third party instead of letting things continue as they are.

It’s not a question of how you handle it, but how do you find out if they are or aren’t

This is a question of how you handle it. It’s not a question of how you handle it, but how do you find out if they are or aren’t? You can ask them directly, or ask another employee who has been in the office a while to tell you what’s going on.

The best way to find out is by asking them directly.

The best way to find out is by asking them directly. If you have two employees who are not getting along, then it may be time to do some investigating. It’s important not to wait until the situation gets worse before you start dealing with it—you don’t want your employees’ relationship problems affecting their work performance and causing stress for everyone in the office.

You could ask another employee who has been in the office a while how they feel about these two particular individuals and why they think they’re having trouble working together. If both employees are lying about their feelings towards each other or have different stories about what happened between them, then that’s an immediate problem that needs addressing immediately! You don’t want this issue just building up over time and affecting everyone around them negatively (including yourself).

You could also ask another employee who has been in the office a while and they can see if they know what’s going on with them.

You can ask another employee who has been in the office a while and they can see if they know what’s going on with them.

You could also ask another employee who has been in the office a while and they can see if they know what’s going on with them.

You should talk to your employees directly, but you may be better off asking another employee who has been in the office a while and they can see if they know what’s going on with them.

If both employees are lying to you, then that’s an immediate problem.

If both employees are lying to you, then that’s an immediate problem. You need to find out the truth and act accordingly. If one person is lying and the other isn’t, then it could be a problem in the future—or even now if they’re not getting along anymore.

If one person doesn’t tell you what really happened and the other does because he or she wants to keep his job (or yours), then it’s important for both of them to talk about what happened so that no one feels like their side has been taken away from them unfairly by someone else who didn’t deserve it either way!

You don’t want to wait until the situation gets worse to start dealing with it.

You don’t want to wait until the situation gets worse to start dealing with it.

If the problem is not resolved, it will affect other employees and the company’s reputation.


The most important thing to remember is that you don’t want to wait until the situation gets worse to start dealing with it. If either employee is lying to you, then that’s an immediate problem. You can’t afford to have people in your office who aren’t honest and trustworthy because they could be stealing from you or sabotaging projects without even knowing it!

Reference no: EM132069492

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