2. Describe why the agency/institution/non-profit needs have to match the initiatives of the funding source.

2. Describe why the agency/institution/non-profit needs have to match the initiatives of the funding source.


2. Describe why the agency/institution/non-profit needs have to match the initiatives of the funding source.


The purpose of this article is to help you understand how to match your agency/institution/non-profit needs with potential initiatives. The point is not to sell you on the idea of matching, but rather to make sure that where your institution stands compared to other institutions or non-profits is clear.

The funding source wants their program to be engaged in.

The funding source wants to be engaged in the program.

The funding source wants to be a part of the program.

The funding source wants to be involved in the program.

The funding source wants their program to be transparent.

The funding source wants to know what the agency/institution/non-profit is doing. They want to know how it’s being done, why and how successful or not it was. They are looking for transparency in all areas of their program so they can see if the money was used properly, if there were any problems with how things were handled by your team or organization and if there were any problems with your internal processes that led up to a certain outcome (e.g., missed deadlines).

It is important to know why your agency/institution/non-profit needs are being matched with the initiative.

It is important to know why your agency/institution/non-profit needs are being matched with the initiative. Funders want their program to be engaged in, so they will want to see that you have an open mind and are receptive to change. They also want their work to have a positive impact on society and its members, so it’s important for them to see evidence of this at every stage of your project.


In summary, it is important to know why your agency/institution/non-profit needs are being matched with the initiative. The funding source wants their program to be engaged in and transparent; they want their program to be engaged in these initiatives and transparent about their work. By demonstrating these characteristics through our application process, we can show that we can meet those needs while also benefiting from the goals of both parties.


Reference no: EM132069492

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