Psychology & Social Justice
Reflection Prompt 2: Identity Module
In the U.S., privilege is often conceptualized through the lens of identity. Moreover, the extent or ease with which, people are afforded access to power is grounded in the degree to which they embody or acculturate ( to the absent standards (i.e. implicit standards; , 1993) across identities.
For example, the absent standard for race ( ) is whiteness ( ), the absent standard for sex is male, the absent standard for sexual orientation is heterosexual, and the absent standard for religion in the U.S. is Christian. There are other identities in where this same association applies (i.e. Ability/Disability; Age and Power; Nationality and Immigration; Gender; Class; Region).
Question 1.
In the context of U.S. society, describe your own identity narrative (see ) and their intersections ( )? How might your narrative support connections to others? Integrate the concepts of acculturation and absent standardism as you have experienced them directly or indirectly. Make connections and identifications between various forms of othering based on identity (Sampson, 1993).
Question 2.
Describe the culture of your organization. For example, what are some of the narrative that permeates the collective space and drive the core activities. In what ways does your community organization engage with community? Provide examples of the relational quality (i.e. interpersonal quality) within the organization. What role do you play in engaging in this effort? How does this collective engagement challenge the status quo individually (i.e. your personally), interpersonally, and collectively.
Necessary materials and References
1. Reference Liu et al., 2019 see hyperlink above
2. Reference Sampson (1993) see hyperlink above
3. Refer to our class exercise: Matrix of Domination
4. Use the hyperlinks above to gather information