discussion 1

Use attached 10-k report for Apple inc.
Answer all questions below and do NOT cut and paste from the 10-K.
Use your own words to answer.
This week’s discussion assists in your preparation of the report due next week on the Statement of Cash Flows for your SEC 10-K company.

Discussion Requirements

Review the Statement of Cash Flows for your SEC 10-K company and briefly describe what you discover for each of the items listed below.

Category: Operating Activities

Net income and total cash provided by (or used by) operating activities: List each of these two values.
What are the items of significance between net income and total for operating activities?
Is the business providing cash flow from operations?

Category: Investing and Financing Activities

Describe significant long-term assets (type and dollar amount) purchased, sold, or retired during the current period and last year (the value will be a line item on the Statement of Cash Flows).
Describe significant financing activities the corporation uses to increase cash (or other assets): These would be related to long-term liabilities and stockholders’ equity.
As you review your work for the Investing and Financing sections, verify these values account for the total cash provided by or used by the section. 

Category: Analysis

Overall Cash Flow (total of three sections): Explain how the total cash flow changed yearly for the three years presented in the Statement of Cash Flows.

Reference no: EM132069492

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