
Assignment 1 – 15%

Due: Week 7

Submission: Drop box

Weight: 15%

Type: Individual

Length: Approximately 3-4 pages (excluding cover and bibliography pages).

Marks would be deducted if you go over 4 pages)

(See rubric below)


Media Socialization Assignment 15%

Here is a link to two documentaries below for your viewing. Each documentary discusses the way that media (in conjunction with our other socialization agents) actively work to socialize our ideas about masculinity and femininity.

In this paper you are required to write a reflection on the ideas presented.

1. The Mask You Live In: 2. Killing Us Softly 4 – Advertising’s Image of Women:

Bothe videos can be found in SLATE (in Content, click on the Assessment folder, then open Assignments, then Assignment 1

Reflect on both films using the following questions as your guide No more than 4 pages (excluding cover and bibliography pages)

According to your socialization lecture, how are we socialized into behaviours? What does it mean in our society to be masculine or feminine? How does media work to socialize these ides? Do you think media reflects or creates ideas surrounding masculinity and femininity? Why is this type of socialization problematic? or even dangerous in some circumstances? What are some of the differences in how masculinity and femininity are portrayed based on race? Lastly, reflect on your own gender socialization. Do you fall into these ideas of masculine or feminine? How were you socialized into your gender? Provide examples.

Answer the following questions.

1. How are women portrayed as objects in magazine advertising? What are some

common stereotypes of women that are used in the media? (3 marks)

2. What are some of the potential effects (physical, emotional, mental) on girls and

women of trying to live up to our culture’s ideal image of beauty and femininity? (3


3. What stories do the media tell us about men and masculinity? According to the

media, what does it mean to be a man? (3 marks)

4. What impact does advertising have on the way that women are treated in society by

both men and women? (3 marks)

Grading Outline 30 marks

1. Introduction explaining the films 5 marks 2. Discussion of socialization agents and their importance in shaping humans. Link

the films to this discussion 5 marks 3. Arguments put forward by both films about masculinity and femininity 5 marks 4. Problematize (Critique) the notions of masculinity and femininity we are taught in

our society (use questions above as a guideline). 5 marks 5. How does your own gender socialization of masculinity or femininity align with

what you’ve seen in the films? Reflect on your own gender socialization 5 marks 6. Conclusion wrapping up and reflecting on paper 2.5 marks 7. Formatting 2.5 marks

Formatting Instructions

– You should number the questions and use full sentences when answering, not point form.

– All responses should be double-spaced. The font used should be Arial or Times New Roman or something similar; font size 12pt will be used.

– Margins should be at least 1inch on all sides.

– APA citation style should be used to reference any outside resources that are used in responses, as per Sheridan College’s Academic Integrity Policy.

– Approximately 3-4 pages (excluding cover and bibliography pages). Marks would be deducted if you go over 4 pages)


Questions Exceeding Meeting Approaching Insufficient Grade

How are women portrayed as objects in magazine advertising? What are some common stereotypes of women that are used in the media?

An excellent attempt is made to answer the questions.

The questions are answered clearly and thoroughly.

(2.5 – 3 marks)

A good attempt is made to answer the questions.

An effort is made to respond clearly and thoroughly.

(1.5 – 2 marks)

Little to no effort is made

Answers lack clarity, detail, relevance, and (or) accuracy

(.5 – 1 marks)

No attempt is made to answer the question(s)

(0 marks)

What are some of the potential effects (physical, emotional, mental) on girls and women of trying to live up to our culture’s ideal image of beauty and femininity?

An excellent attempt is made to answer the question.

The question is answered clearly and thoroughly.

(2.5 – 3 marks)

A good attempt is made to answer the question.

An effort is made to respond clearly and thoroughly.

(1.5 – 2 marks)

Little to no effort is made

Answers lack clarity, detail, relevance, and (or) accuracy

(.5 – 1 marks)

No attempt is made to answer the question(s)

(0 marks)

What stories do the media tell us about men and masculinity? According to the media, what does it mean to be a man?

An excellent attempt is made to answer the questions.

The questions are answered clearly and thoroughly.

(2.5 – 3 marks)

A good attempt is made to answer the question.

An effort is made to respond clearly and thoroughly.

(1.5 – 2 marks)

Little to no effort is made

Answers lack clarity, detail, relevance, and (or) accuracy

(.5 – 1 marks)

No attempt is made to answer the question(s)

(0 marks)

What impact does advertising have on the way that women are treated in society by both men and women?

An excellent attempt is made to answer the question.

The question is answered clearly and thoroughly.

(2.5 – 3 marks)

A good attempt is made to answer the question.

An effort is made to respond clearly and thoroughly.

(1.5 – 2 marks)

Little to no effort is made

Answers lack clarity, detail, relevance, and (or) accuracy

(.5 – 1 marks)

No attempt is made to answer the question(s)

(0 marks)

TOTAL ____ / 30

Reference no: EM132069492

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