What economic rationale supports the government provision of health insurance to the poor.
As the cost of health care continues to rise, many people struggle to access the care they need. This is especially true for those living in poverty, who often have limited or no access to health insurance. In this essay, I will explore the economic rationale that supports the government provision of health insurance for the poor by analyzing the value of government-provided health insurance for low-income individuals, exploring the impact of health insurance on economic mobility, and examining the cost-benefit analysis of government-sub
RV Burkhauser et al. (2012) examined the value of government-provided health insurance for low-income individuals in the United States in the National Tax Journal. The study found that individuals who receive insurance from the government had better access to health care and were able to make better use of health care resources than those without health insurance. The authors suggested that government-provided health insurance had a positive overall effect on the health of low-income individuals, as it enabled them to access preventive care, which improved their overall health outcomes. The study also found that government-provided health insurance increased the use of generic medications and decreased the use of more expensive medications, resulting in lower overall costs for patients. Additionally, the authors found that government-provided health insurance provided improved access to mental health care, which was important for the overall health of low-income individuals. Overall, the study concluded that government-provided health insurance was beneficial in improving the overall health of low-income individuals, and that it had the potential to reduce health care costs while increasing the quality of care.
Research conducted by LM Koon et al. (2022) has demonstrated that access to health insurance is a major factor in determining economic mobility. The study examined the impact of health insurance on economic mobility in the United States, and found that those with health insurance are more likely to experience upward economic mobility. Specifically, the study found that individuals with health insurance had greater access to higher-paying jobs, more opportunities for job training, and greater access to resources such as financial aid. In addition, individuals with health insurance were more likely to experience greater financial stability and were able to save more money for future investments. This research provides an important insight into the role that health insurance plays in economic mobility and demonstrates the importance of providing access to affordable health insurance in order to ensure that individuals have the opportunity to move up the economic ladder. Furthermore, this research highlights the need for policies that promote economic mobility and provide access to affordable health insurance to ensure that all individuals, regardless of their income level, have the opportunity to improve their economic status.
In 2006, G Hutton and E Rehfuess of the World Health Organization conducted a cost-benefit analysis of government-subsidized health insurance programs for the poor. They found that these programs are often cost-effective investments in promoting health, as they reduce the financial burden of health care costs on the poor and promote access to quality health services. Furthermore, the financial gains from these programs often outweigh the costs associated with their implementation and maintenance, making them beneficial for countries with limited health budgets. Moreover, the authors found that these programs are often associated with improved health outcomes for the poor, including greater access to prevention and treatment services and improved health literacy. These findings suggest that government-subsidized health insurance programs for the poor are not only cost-effective, but also beneficial in terms of promoting health equity and improving health outcomes. Thus, governments should consider investing in such programs in order to maximize their health budget and ensure that all members of society have access to quality health care.
Ultimately, providing health insurance to the poor is one of the most effective strategies for strengthening the economy. Not only does it help alleviate the financial burden on individuals who are struggling to make ends meet, but it can also increase their access to preventive care and other health services, which can lead to better overall health and greater economic productivity. Moreover, investing in health insurance for the poor can save money in the long run because it can help to reduce the incidence of costly medical emergencies and chronic conditions. Ultimately, government provision of health insurance to the poor provides a strong economic rationale for investing in both the health and economic well-being of poorer individuals.
Work Cited
RV Burkhauser., J Larrimore.”A” second opinion” on the economic health of the American middle class.”https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.17310/ntj.2012.1.01
LM Koon.”Examining the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on community engagement for people with mobility disabilities.”https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1936657421001850
G Hutton.”Guidelines for conducting cost-benefit analysis of household energy and health interventions.”https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/43570/9789241594813_eng.pdf
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