What are some of the connections that FDR and Wesley allude to?


Each paper should be 500-750 words (approximately 2-3 pages) in length.

These short analysis papers will focus on both your understanding of particular problems in modern American history, and your development of formal, non-fiction writing skills. you will create your own argument to answer the prompt, and you will support that argument with primary and secondary evidence taken from the class readings and additional posted videos.

High-quality papers should:

· meet the 500-word minimum word count (title pages, headers and footers, works cited page, and restated prompt excluded);

· have an introduction;

· be double-spaced and written in 12-point, Times New Roman font;

· have a clear thesis statement  at the end of the introductions;

· provide supporting evidence in the form of well-chosen and concise direct quotes;

· provide proper MLA in-text (author-page style) (Links to an external site.)  citations for all quoted and paraphrased evidence;

· avoid plagiarizing the work(s) of others;

· and, end with a solid conclusion that restates your thesis (albeit in a paraphrased form) and addresses some of the broader implications of the topic.


In his annual message to Congress in 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt proclaims four “essential human freedoms”: freedom of speech and expression; freedom of worship; freedom of want; and, freedom from fear (Voices of Freedom, pgs. 192-194). FDR’s vision for a free and democratic world, however, contrasts with the social, political, and economic realities of life for racial, ethnic, and religious minorities in the United States under segregation. This reality is underscored by the historian Charles Wesley in his essay “The Negro Has Always Wanted the Four Freedoms” (Voices of Freedom, pgs. 208-210), in which Wesley also notes that the four freedoms are denied to many other people of color in countries, empires, and colonies across the world.

Both FDR’s speech and Wesley’s essay draw lines connecting the American experience with those of other peoples across the globe. What are some of the connections that FDR and Wesley allude to? What groups of people (or nations/regions of the world) are FDR and Wesley turning their attention to? How do black Americans’ experiences foster a growing identification with non-white peoples in other parts of the world?

Reference no: EM132069492

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