Steve, is a young adult who experiences poor mental health and learning difficulties he lived in his own accommodation: Safeguarding Assignment, BCU, UK

Steve, is a young adult who experiences poor mental health and learning difficulties he lived in his own accommodation but is frightened and has now moved into his mom’s house. Mom is struggling to cope and Steve’s mum has raised concerns that Steve did not feel safe in his own house due to previous financial abuse by a friend called Paul who has a criminal record and a history of violent behavior.

On a home visit at which both Steve and his mom were present, the housing officer heard how Paul was ‘nice when he got his own way’. He had regularly demanded money from Steve and never paid it back. If Paul wasn’t given the money, he would threaten Steve and make a habit of making false allegations against Steve.

Steve was happy to talk through his worries with his social worker but did not want anything done for fear of being seen as ‘grass’ by the local community. The social worker has also determined he had full mental capacity regarding the issues of concern. Analyse Evaluate Also talk about Winterbourne View care home.

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