Write a paper on the movie, What Ever Happened to Baby Jane. The main theme or question for this paper is, who is the Antagonist, and who is the Protagonist in this movie. You must use the different techniques that you have learned from your readings, which are Comparison/Contrast, Argumentative, and Cause and Effect chapters. You are to choose either the Point by Point or Subject by Subject Method. Defend your stance/argument on which character is the Antagonist and which character is the Protagonist using the Argumentative method. Also, use cause and effect when describing the two characters.
Your Paper Must Have the Following,
1. MLA format/ Proper Heading/ Have A Title/ Last name with page numbering/Double Spacing Throughout Your Paper
2. Thesis Statement.. should be the 1st line of the 2nd paragraph of your paper. Please make sure you underline your thesis statement.
3. Make sure your paper is grammatically correct.
4. You may use up to 3 photos in your paper
5. Use MLA Citations, meaning, know how to use intext citations with page numbering. How to cite and reference your citation within your paper.
6. Must have Works Cited page. Use only 4 sources, one being a primary source. Remember your sources must be in alphabetical order.
7. Have a works sited page in alphabetical order.