Read and analyze the following case study from the perspective of a public safety administrator, reflect on what actions should be taken.


Discussion Board questions must be answered thoroughly. Must be APA format, answer thoroughly, must have at least one per response, verifiable legitimate sources. 150+ words, trust your judgement. Due by Sunday September 22, 2019 @ 20 hours.


Week 5 Discussion Post #1 Topic

 Instructions: Read and analyze the following case study from the perspective of a public safety administrator, reflect on what actions should be taken. Keep in mind that although this is a private sector based case study. Something very similar could happen in a public safety agency. For example, biological/medical waste in Fire/EMS or evidence tampering in law enforcement.

 Questions for Discussion:

· What should Sherry do?

· What are the reasonable limits on loyalty to one’s employer?

· Would it make a difference if Sherry had a position of greater authority?

· Would it make a difference if Sherry had scientific expertise?

Reference no: EM132069492

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