Discussion #1

In the health care system socialization occurs as a nurse becomes comfortable in their role. As new hires and new nurses become familiar with their work environment and colleagues they are more sociable. Being a nurse is much more than conversing and performing skills.  It is a sense of belonging and gaining professional identity which contributes to professional socialization. Professional identity entails the way in which an individual view him/herself as a nurse, who can perform nursing functions professionally, skillfully and responsibly, (Zarshenas, Sharif, Molazem, Khayyer, Zare, & Ebadi 2015). Socialization also occurs as nurses become more familiar and are confident in practicing as a nurse. Nursing development and professional identity is another decisive factor in fostering socialization. 

Nurses learn their socialization in the work place from their preceptors as they are introduced on to the organization. They learn about their colleagues and the physicians that work in the facility. The preceptors will guide the nurses on how to approach each situation and doctors. Sometimes new nurses will feel intimidated by doctors and their preceptors can help them over come theses fears through introductions and teaching nurses how to be proficient in performing their duties. Developing as a nurse is a sense of becoming, involving personal commitment and internalization of values during the process of professional socialization (Zarshenas, Sharif, Molazem, Khayyer,  Zare, & Ebadi 2015).

Discussion #2

Kurt Lewin’s Change Theory describes that in order to have a proper change, a patient must disregard old behavior, and then adjust to more appropriate behaviors returning to a new balanced state (Butts & Rich, 2018).  This theory may be used in the long-term healthcare setting. In this setting, healthcare professionals must educate residents about several topics to promote health and reduce hazardous behaviors. A few examples of educational topics include fall prevention and nutrition. The residents gain knowledge from reading printed materials or from attending group or family education sessions and by becoming more educated, they ultimately, become more empowered. When these individuals become empowered, they feel more in control of their lives, and start making responsible health decisions and appropriate changes (Schoberer, Leino-Kilpi, Breimaier, Halfens, & Lohrmann, 2016).  In clinical practice, the change theory has some areas of weakness. Even though the change theory can help healthcare professionals provide the best practice, the use of the theory does not guarantee successful implementation to practice. There are many internal and external factors that influence the process of change; subsequently, even when the change theory is taught and implemented appropriately, the change in behavior is not certain due to the multiple factors involved in the process (Barrow & Toney-Butler, 2019). 


Reference no: EM132069492

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