The post The nature-versus-nurture debate questions the extent to which a person’s behavior and personality are a product of genetics (i.e., nature) or whether they are a product of upbringi is a property of College Pal
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The nature-versus-nurture debate questions the extent to which a person’s behavior and personality are a product of genetics (i.e., nature) or whether they are a product of upbringing, environment, life experiences, and influences (i.e., nurture).
As a longstanding study in the field of development, this question is critical to explore when considering factors shaping development.
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Think about your behaviors and personality. Do you think these are pre-wired, meaning you inherited these as a result of genetics, or do you feel your personality is a result of your upbringing, your environment, and your life experiences? What is one example of how your development was influenced by nature? What is one example of how your development was shaped by nurture? Which do you think has had more influence on your development nature or nurture? Why?
The post The nature-versus-nurture debate questions the extent to which a person’s behavior and personality are a product of genetics (i.e., nature) or whether they are a product of upbringi appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper