What can you learn from this that you can apply to your communication efforts when you need to make an apology on the job? When you try to change someone’s mind or get people to buy into an idea (in a personal, social, or academic cont


Choose ONE of the options below and develop a posting that follows the guidelines provided.

Do you follow any companies or brands on social media? If so, what value do you get from following them? Do these accounts offer useful information or entertainment value in addition to promoting products or services?

Have you ever had difficulty accepting an apology from an individual or organization? If so, why? Did you question whether the other party was truly sorry or perhaps was apologizing only to deflect attention from a mistake?

What can you learn from this that you can apply to your communication efforts when you need to make an apology on the job?

When you try to change someone’s mind or get people to buy into an idea (in a personal, social, or academic context), how do you approach the challenge? How do you get people to see things your way, even when their position on an issue might be exactly the opposite of yours?

An appropriate length for an original post is 150-300 words.

Reference no: EM132069492

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