Prepare a response and plan of action to resolve the problem as directed by the CEO. At a local hospital, a decision was made to downsize the nursing staff. The local television station sent a reporter and camera crew to interview the administrator regarding the impact of this action

Assignment #4

Prepare a response and plan of action to resolve the problem as directed by the CEO.

At a local hospital, a decision was made to downsize the nursing staff. The local television station sent a reporter and camera crew to interview the administrator regarding the impact of this action on patient care. After 20 minutes of filming the interview, the reporter left. Later that evening, the CEO received a call from the hospital’s public relations director, who directed her to YouTube. A video had been posted showing several nurses and former patients protesting the hospital’s decision in front of the hospital. The public relations director also directed the CEO to a new community blog called “”
The CEO called a meeting for the next morning and wondered, “How did things get so out of control?” She asked the public relations director to provide an overview and present a brief plan.

Present the overview and plan.

Reference no: EM132069492

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