For this assignment you will pretend you are presenting information about your final course project in the form of an online presentation. The goal is to give you the opportunity to work on preparing

For this assignment you will pretend you are presenting information about your final course project in the form of an online presentation. The goal is to give you the opportunity to work on preparing and presenting formal presentations. The presentation should provide the class with details of your final deliverable. Since this assignment allowed students to pick the deliverable of their choice (variable assignment), you will need to provide ample details in order for your classmates (and instructor) to understand your choice. Content for the presentation should include, at minimum: Type of variable assignment completed Topic or theme Key take-aways learned How completing this deliverable will help you in your academic and career endeavors Conclusion(s) References You are free to pick the method in which you will create and present. Examples include: PowerPoint Slides Create a brochure to distribute to class members and the professor. Can be posted as a PDF. Create a You Tube video Create a Prezi Other (anything that might not be listed but is great for presentations)! NOTE!!! You do not have to provide “voice over” or any type of audio for the presentation. With that said, explanation in the form audio can be extremely helpful and enhance understanding of your presentation.

Reference no: EM132069492

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