Write an essay where you argue that social media and YouTube can be beneficial. Use a template from “Chapter 4: ‘Yes/No/Okay, But’: Three Ways to Respond” in They Say/I Say to construct your argument statement Use one quot

Argument: Social Media and YouTube Can Be Beneficial

Write an essay where you argue that social media and YouTube can be beneficial.
Use a template from “Chapter 4: ‘Yes/No/Okay, But’: Three Ways to Respond” in They Say/I Say to construct your argument statement
Use one quote from each of the sources in the “List of Sources” (below) to support the points you make in your argument.

List of sources
TIME’s article, “The Pandemic Made My World Small. Social Media Helped Open It Up”
Rolling Stone’s article, “Year in Review: How Black Lives Matter Inspired a New Generation of Youth Activists”
Diverse Education’s article “New Media, New Possibilities”


Your essay must be between 750-1000 words in length (which is approximately 3-4 pages)
Your essay must be structured as an argument with an argument statement constructed from one of the templates in
“Chapter 4: ‘Yes/No/Okay, But’: Three Ways to Respond” in They Say/I Say

Reference no: EM132069492

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