What is one piece of information/advice from The Gift of Fear that you are most likely to use and most likely to share with family and friends? Discuss why you chose that particular subject/topic.

The Gift of Fear

What is one piece of information/advice from The Gift of Fear that you are most likely to use and most likely to share with family and friends? Discuss why you chose that particular subject/topic.

Additionally, locate a psychology study exploring an aspect of the concepts or ideas that you found most impactful from the reading, and share the results of the study.

Weekly Readings
Text: The Gift of Fear and Other Survival Signals That Protect Us From Violence
Chapter 13: Better to be Wanted by the Police than Not to be Wanted at All
Chapter 14: Extreme Hazards
Chapter 15: The Gift of Fear

Textbook: Crisis Intervention: A handbook of immediate person-to-person help 6th edition
Chapter 8: Fostering Intervenor Excellence and Longevity: Screening, Training and Burnout Prevention
Chapter 9: Evaluations of Crisis Intervention

Reference no: EM132069492

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