describe each of these strategies and why you think they hold the most potential for successfully addressing the form of social inequality you are focusing on. Although you will discuss three strategies in turn in your essay, you must ultimately present an argument regarding which

Research Paper: Social Inequality

For this assignment, write a five page research essay on strategies for addressing social inequality. Choose any form (e.g., inequality based on gender, age, ethnicity, sexuality, disability, etc.) and any location (e.g., a particular country, province/state, city/town, etc.) to focus on.

Then conduct online library research to learn more about different strategies that have been, or may be, useful in addressing this form of inequality. After learning about diverse strategies, you must choose three to focus on in your essay.

In your paper, describe each of these strategies and why you think they hold the most potential for successfully addressing the form of social inequality you are focusing on.

Although you will discuss three strategies in turn in your essay, you must ultimately present an argument regarding which one of these three strategies you believe has the most potential to end, or significantly reduce, the form of social inequality you are focusing on.

You must consult and closely engage with at least 3 academic peer-reviewed journal articles that must be referenced in your MLA/APA bibliography.

Reference no: EM132069492

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