What is the primary theme of “The Oppositional Gaze?” What does hooks describe as the primary problems black women must address as spectators of film (and by proxy, other forms of media such as photography) relational to the white male gaze?

Hooks’ Essay

For our response to hooks’ essay, “The Oppositional Gaze, Black Female Spectators,”break the essay down and reflect it back through the following prompts. Reread the essay with the questions in mind, taking notes, and then answer them. In your response, head each answer with the number of each question.

What is the primary theme of “The Oppositional Gaze?”

What does hooks describe as the primary problems black women must address as spectators of film (and by proxy, other forms of media such as photography) relational to the white male gaze?

How are these problems extended and/or amplified in the feminist dialogue (of that time) for black female spectators?

What is the “oppositional gaze?” How is it acquired and how can it be utilized?

What is the most important thing you take from the essay? That is, how is the essay addressing/affecting you and what do you take away from it for yourself/ves? (Groups should include answers from each individual member for this particular question).

Your response should be at least 250 words in length per question. Upload as a double spaced pdf here.

Reference no: EM132069492

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