Find a blog on your own. For professional blogs, typing in a specialty or profession in your search engine works best (ex. Social worker blog, midwife blog, physical therapist blog). Avoid blogs that focus on clinical how-tos (treatments, symptoms, advice). Remember that you are analyzing

Paper: Healthcare Professional Blog Analysis

Step 1: Review Chs. 3-5 and select a blog authored by someone who is a professional working in the healthcare realm. This may include physicians, therapists, administrators, midwives, epidemiologists, etc.

Option #1: Find a blog on your own. For professional blogs, typing in a specialty or profession in your search engine works best (ex. Social worker blog, midwife blog, physical therapist blog). Avoid blogs that focus on clinical how-tos (treatments, symptoms, advice). Remember that you are analyzing the words and experiences of a person or small group of people, not an entire organization (like the Mayo Clinic).

Option #2: OR, you may pick one from the list below. Just google the phrase below and you’ll reach the blog:

Not running a hospital (ended in 2016)

Theresa Brown, RN

Reflections of a Grady Doctor

Feminist Midwife

Shrink Rap (ended in 2018)

Step 2: Review the profile/background of the blogger. Then, select no more than 5 substantive blog entries from the past year that interest you and look for connections between those entries and Chs. 3-5. You may have to search more than 5 to find ones that you can write about.

Step 3: Write a brief analysis paper (APA format) using these content and format guidelines.

Biography [heading] Brief bio of the blogger for your introduction—personal background, credentials (if any), their vision or perspective on the blog’s purposes, is there an intended audience, etc.— 1 paragraph

Conceptual Links [heading] Select 2 concepts from Chs. 3-5 that you believe are present in the blog entries. First, describe the chapter concept in your own words. Then, explain how the concept is present in the blog entry. Give examples. Brief quotes are okay. Repeat the process for the second concept you pick.

Critique [heading] Evaluate the blog’s content. Some topics to consider (don’t have to answer all): quality of information, compelling communication of ideas (keeps your interest), attractiveness of layout, helpful additional features (photos, links to websites, digital images, etc.), what you liked/disliked. Explain your opinions. End your critique with whether or not you would recommend this blog to someone interested in learning about health or health communication and why.

APA format–typed, double spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins.

Use the name of blog as your title (no cover page needed).

4 – 5 pages in length.

Use mechanics of good writing: proper punctuation, spelling, grammar. Proofread your work for typos, etc.

No reference page or in-text citation needed.

Reference no: EM132069492

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